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Character Designs

12 to 16 age rated game project:

Futuristic Knight concept (updated).png

Futuristic Knight - Art
Inventory: Medieval Sword, Shotgun, Dagger, Pistol, Arm Shield 

This character is from one of the my game project in the first year of college called twisted Dimensions. This game is about where medieval knights are teleported, 700 years into the future and team up with the special forces military soldiers. I was astonished with using the idea of  medieval knights and military soldiers combined together which creates a perfect example of their appearance.

Fighting game simulation project:

Samurai portfolio.png

Worn Blue Samurai Armor - Art
Inventory: Japanese swords, Arm blades

Another project within my second year of college, involved creating a mix of different characters for an untitled fighting game. Where we had to create 5 characters with mixed cultures and appearances. One of the characters I came up with was a samurai with worn-out blue armor, that gives abilities to use water as his ally whilst fighting with his swords.

Skeleton outcast character.png

Skeleton Outcast
Inventory: Battle axe, Dagger made from rare bone


This is another character from the same project along with the samurai character. The caped skeleton has the extraordinary ability of stealth, to perform brutal attacks with his deadly axe. He wears a large cloth material mask to hide his fanged jaws. 

Infected terror beast.png

Infected night beast 
Inventory: Bent horns, shapeshifting tail (different abilities), Curved spikes on back 

I also produced another fighter character for my project, I wanted to add animal creatures to the game. So, that it doesn't get boring including that there is only people as optional fighters. The unique thing about the night beast is that the tail change color and switches into different abilities. 


E.g: The flame tail can spray fire at enemies, then the tail morphs into a poisonous stinger tail. This ability, will stab the opponent and infect the body with poison (Enemy takes damage).


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